Sex Diary
9:10 p.m. x March 21, 2006

I have stumbled across a few diaries that are basically sex diaries. Not smut. Just people, generally married, that have diaries about their sex lives. I think I may start one, so that I don't have to fill this or my myspace with sex stuff. Especially not my myspace. I know too many of those people in real life. I work with half of them. They don't need to know where my mouth is twice a week. Or whatever body part gets put to use. Maybe I'm just jumping on the bandwagon here, but it seems like a good idea. There's a lot of stuff that I'd like to write about but writing it here just... doesn't work. It ends up sounding cheesy and sensored. If I had a place to write about the dirty stuff, where only the people who made the choice to read it had to be subjected to it, I might write more.
Granted, these women are in a married sex diaryring and it's sex with their husbands and that's the whole reason they're keeping them... to promote married sex. I am not married and I don't plan to be, but I do have really hot sex. It should be documented. If anyone's interested in reading it, let me know. If not, that's okay. I'm interested in writing it, regardless.

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