Nothing much....
10:21 p.m. x March 28, 2006

I got to chat with my brother for a little bit yesterday. He didn't do much talking, but he doesn't on the phone either. He mostly played with those yahoo audibles things. It got kind of old, honestly, but it was nice to get to talk to him briefly. He's doing good in school, still working at the recycling center on the weekends, had fun on his trip with the boy scouts, feels fine, and remembers his half-sister from his mom's side. That's about all I got out of him for the 45 minutes or so that he was online. I wish he was closer. Sigh.
My mom is having her second cataract surgery tomorrow. She had the first in December of 2004 and they had to control some bleeding in her other eye before they could operate. So, 15 months later, she's finally getting it done. I know from the last time that it will be quick and nearly painless and she'll just see spots in that eye for a while. Her other eye had 20/20 vision when they got it repaired, and that's something that she never had in almost 55 years before that. I'm not really worried about her, but I will be thinking about her and hoping it all went well, of course.
I got pulled over on the way to work today and have to go to court on April 27th. That's two appearances in one month, but the other one is for a bad check that I didn't really write, so it shouldn't be a big deal. I'm guessing they'll move to dismiss it. They don't have a case. It isn't anywhere close to my handwriting. The only thing I'm guilty of is not shredding the checks when the account closed.
This one is for driving a car with suspended license plates. I will use a part of my next check to reinstate them and they'll probably drop that too. I wouldn't even be driving that car if the other one would stay running long enough to make it to work. However, it doesn't want to do that. I just have to make it til Friday though. Then I can pick up this week's check and get the part I need and hopefully it'll be okay.
Other than that, I've just been working, cleaning, and taking care of kids. I can't think of anything else to say. I will update when I talk to my mom tomorrow and let everyone know how she did.

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