50's mommies are a load of shit
2:38 p.m. x 2004-01-01

I've noticed a lot of people, here on diaryland, and elsewhere that aren't true to themselves. Maybe it's because they think they need to hide who they are to protect themselves from drama or maybe it's something else. (This has nothing to do with my review that I did today, by the way. I'm going somewhere else with this.)

While I know very few us up open up with everything, there's that bunch that I silently think of as the mommy bunch.

Now, I'm not saying that it's ok to abuse your kids or that someone out there might not love their children, but a lot of people sound incredibly phony in their diaries because they write about how perfect their kids are and how they love staying home with them, etc etc and the rest of us get this idea that maybe we're bad moms because we lose our cool and yell at our kids, we want to get out of the house to get away from them, and *gasp* we might even like sex.

Just because you're mom to some little (or big) people does not mean that you're mom to everyone and that you have to present a perfect 50's sitcom image. It only makes the rest of us feel like losers when we're running into the other room so the kids won't hear us calling them little brats. Sometimes we might even say it to their faces!

I totally think that people need to take a loving approach to parenting but good grief, you're in the house with these children sometimes as much as 24 hours a day. They whine, they complain, they beat each other up, they kick you in the shins, and nobody wants to admit that or that they told their kids the truth about what they thought about it. There isn't a mom out there that isn't driven insane by her children at least once in a while so whoever you are, stop acting like it!

I see other women convinced that they're bad moms simply because they see this perfect image and they're not living up to it. Well, never fear, because neither are the ones putting on the false faces.

And I'm not writing this for anyone that happens to be reading my diary, specifically. The person I have in mind went off on a friend of mine a few months ago for calling her kids little shits in her diary. There just seems to be a lot of people gravitating toward that false face. We're not television and we don't have sponsors and censors to follow the rules of. Act like yourselves! It's ok to get angry, it's ok to feed your kids macaroni and cheese for dinner, and it's especially ok for you to sleep in the same bed as your husband (and I suppose you're allowed to have both feet off the floor).

This does not mean that you should go out and abuse your kid(s) either. Just be yourself so the rest of us don't think there's something wrong with us.

Need I make it any clearer?

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