the differences between an adult and a child being ill (graphic.. not for those with a weak tummy)
8:13 p.m. x February 03, 2004

It's funny how in some ways, kids are weaker than adults when it comes to things like getting over an illness. For example, E Coli will kill a kid and an adult just feels like they have the flu.

Then in other ways, they bounce back the same day, and the adult takes days to get better.

That's about how it is around here right now, although I don't think it'll take me days to feel better.

Kimberley had some stomach thing and she threw up three times at my mom's on Saturday night. By Sunday morning she was her usual, chipper self.

Yesterday, I was feeling lousy but I attributed it to 4 hours sleep and nothing decent to eat all day. I crawled into bed at about 8, set my alarm for 4 so I wouldn't overdo it on the sleep, and woke up to myself moaning from being sick. I threw up the sloppy joes and macaroni salad that I ate at about 7:00.

After a brief attempt to get online and sleeping for a couple more hours, I woke up to Brittany saying she was gonna puke. Well I told her to go to the bathroom but she didn't understand since she was half asleep and she left a trail across my bedroom rug. She took over my bed and didn't leave any room for my feet so I went downstairs to sleep. Some time later, I got really thirsty so I didn't sip my soda slow enough and up it came.

She hasn't gotten sick since and she seems fine. She's a little drowsy but she's on the floor watching tv, and she was up running around earlier. I haven't gotten sick again either but if I was to stand up for longer than 5 minutes at a time, I would spew. I don't see myself being any better by morning, either. (One can still hope though.)

It just amazes me that some things can knock a kid down and almost kill them, if it doesn't actually kill them, while the adult remains almost fine. Then other times, the kid is dancing around and pretending to be a chicken while the adult sits at her computer and slurs out "GO away. I don't feel good." any time someone talks to her.

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