miss me?
6:38 a.m. x 2003-03-12

Oooh! If I come in early enough I can update. (Although it sucks ass to be up this early!)

I woke up about 40 minutes ago to the sound of a slamming cupboard door. I got up before I had to act like Super Woman with my food.

I had a really nice weekend with the kids. I didn't turn the computer on at all and spent tons of time with them. By Sunday night I was wishing I could give them back to whomever they belonged to (because surely, they couldn't be MY kids), but I tucked them in and took a breather and all was okay.

That was my excitement for the week. I've been cleaning my bum off and that's about it. Now that I got in, I have nothing to say. Isn't that sad??

then x now

x new
x old
x profile
x rings
x about
x disclaimer
x contact
x diva
x host