I'm tired, not drunk. I promise.
8:42 p.m. x March 21, 2004

What is today? I mean, I know the day and date but is it someone's birthday or anniversary or something? It seems like I'm forgetting something major.


I talked to my cousin Destinee on the phone today. I'm all caught up on the family gossip between yesterday's call to my mom and today's talk with Destinee. I also told her about the offlines I left her on yahoo since she hadn't seen them yet. It was all stuff that I was dying to tell her so I'm glad I got to and that I remembered most of it.

She had no idea that Tabaslut is a stripper because I forgot to tell her before. When I told her, she busted out laughing and said "With the stretch marks AND the messed up grill!? She probably didn't get that fixed either, huh?" I love it when my loved ones are catty. She cracks me up!

Speaking of catty, I also chatted with Jessica and Laura on yahoo for a while. It was great fun and I'm caught up on the gossip there, too. Laurie-Q was so cute! It was adorable because she was more or less being shy about having a crush on the person that she has a crush on. I could see right through the shyness but I was sitting here, saying "Aww!"

Unfortunately she got booted or something and we got cut off.

She's going to send me cow things. I love my friends!

Now to find something with a cow, wolf, horse, or bat to send to her in return. Hmm.

So this entry is turning into total daylog and it probably means nothing to those that aren't mentioned in it, so I'm going to go now.

Have a great Monday, everyone!

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