9:28 p.m. x July 31, 2004

It's been a rough couple of days. I've been under enormous amounts of stress, I've been in pain, I've had to work, my kids have decided to retest the limits of their structure, and dammit, I wanna go to sleep.

I don't know about anyone else but when I get too much on my plate, I just shut down. Going numb is a better term for it, I guess. It'll pass, I mean it always does, but I hate that spiraling out of control feeling. Oh well, not much I can do about it right now so I might as well just hang on for the ride.

I watched a really good movie last night when I was supposed to be sleeping, called Nicholas' Gift. It was based on a true story about a little boy that got killed in Italy and his parents donated his organs. It was a really good movie, but definitely required a lot of kleenex. You should all go rent it or something. I looked it up and it is available on DVD so go get it. I promise it's more interesting than my rambling about nothing.

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