Happy 400th
5:48 p.m. x 2003-12-05

I just happened to go to my profile a minute ago and saw how many entries I had - 399. I guess this makes my 400th entry.

It has also been roughly a year since I started this diary. In fact, it's been a little over since I started it on December 1st of last year.

I've had my ups and downs, my triumphs and my failures. I've been through a bad relationship, and I've been crammed in an apartment with half of my family. I started out in a different state than I'm in now. Things have changed so much, and you've all stuck by me through all of it.

There's a couple of you that haven't been reading very long but for the most part, you've all been with me since my bi-n-proud days, some of you even before that. Not counting those that have been deleted, between the two diaries I've written 779 entries in these diaries.

It doesn't seem possible that I'd have that much to say in something like this, but more than that, it doesn't seem like it would hold anyone's attention.

Happy 400th and belated one year to me and to you all, a big thanks for sticking by me!

then x now

x new
x old
x profile
x rings
x about
x disclaimer
x contact
x diva
x host