she's bald again, dammit!
11:11 a.m. x 2003-08-19

The kids' ears are healing nicely. There's no sign of infection yet or anything like that. School starts in a few days and I'm a bit concerned about what they'll say about Ronald's earring but I refuse to take it out. It would break his little heart. Besides, it isn't anything vulgar or huge, so I don't think it'll be a big deal.

They all look so cute with them. Eventually I'll get pictures. I planned to before but the other day, Brittany came downstairs and my head was turned. She goes "Tabatha told me that my hair would grow faster if I cut it." I don't know when she got the scissors - when I was in the bathroom, I guess. I was able to save some hair and she's not completely bald but ugh! This kid doesn't get it. Anyway, I've hesitated to take pictures of my bald child but I will soon. At least with earrings and barbie shoes, she looks sorta like a girl. I feel bad for her but she knows better, too.

Anyway, not much else going on. Ron has West Nile Virus, but it isn't going to kill him. I guess the doctor said if he was a little older, with his diabetes and whatever, it could, but for now he'll just have severe flu-like symptoms and he'll have to be monitored. I've been trying to keep an eye on him, only because there's nobody else that will, but I can only stretch myself so thin, so he's gonna have to not be a baby and suck it up. It's a good thing I have money left from the tax thing though because I don't know how long he'll be off work and I don't know how this will affect child support.

Work is the same as always, with the exception of the kids being with a babysitter more for now. They like her and she likes them so it all works out.

Anyway, that's all for now... I'm gonna go before Kimmie types my entry for me.

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