Christmas and babies and clogged drains. Didn't I write something similar to this around Easter?
1:07 p.m. x 2003-12-25

My fucking sink is clogged and I can't find the plunger. It used to be in the bathroom but it isn't now. I put drano foamer in it but the water is at the top of the sink from me running hot water in it so I don't see what good it's gonna do. In the process of tapping the pipe to break some of the junk loose, I made the pipe drip.

I have my ham on but I need water for the rest and I refuse to walk it from the bathroom. I'll just have to be super careful, I guess. I don't want to take the pipe apart til the water is out of the sink or I'll have more problems than just that.

Everyone was happy with their presents. Brittany got an easy bake oven, a barbie with a toy camera, a math workbook, Heidi (the book), a puzzle, a pair of sunglasses, and a kit kat.

Ronald got a rescue hero figure, a set of 8 hot wheel cars, a sit n spin (yes that was supposed to go to Kimberley but I changed my mind), an abc book, a book about ants, sunglasses and a kit kat.

Kimberley got a little people Noah's Ark, a baby doll, a stuffed doll that's like a Bratz doll kinda, a little tykes airplane, a little toy horn, sunglasses, and a kit kat.

I got a bag of baskin robins mint chocolate chip hard candy, a barn cookie jar, a flowery votive holder that's kinda like a lantern, a book about Helen Keller and... you ready?

An external CD burner!!

(No, I didn't get a kit kat and sunglasses. ha!)

I'm making ham, scalloped potatoes, candied yams, rolls, green bean casserole, and chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting for dinner.

I'm not going anywhere, although it wouldn't matter if I wanted to. Nothing's open except a couple gas stations. Walmart's even closed. My mom said the one in Rockford is open til 2 but I could swear it isn't ever open on Christmas.

My mommy had a merry christmas too. She got a robe from Des, a DVD of Cher's last tour from Bob and Pat, and a CD of some soundtrack (can't remember which but it has drops of jupiter on it).

My cousin Missy had her baby on the 16th. She had a boy, named Mckenzie Drew. He weighed 8 pounds and was 19 inches long. (Fat little fella. Has his dad's height too. His mom is like 5'11" and his dad is about 5'5".)

She's rh negative and they didn't give her the shot with Aiden (her other son) so they had to run tests and give him some special vitamins, but he's doing good and they're both home.

He was born 6 hours after my aunt got there so she didn't miss out on the birth, which is why she was headed to Canada after Rockford in the first place.

Since I didn't know it before now, that's another Christmas present - a new baby cousin that I might get to see once when he's about 12. ha!

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