Blast from the past.
1:41 p.m. x November 12, 2004

20 Years Ago, I . . .
1. Was 5 years old.
2. was in Kindergarten.
3. liked to fingerpaint.

15 Years Ago, I . . .
1. I was 10.
2. Was going to be a big sister in a couple months.
3. liked pro-wrestling.

10 Years Ago, I...
1. was 15.
2. was not a virgin.
3. started high school.

5 Years Ago, I...
1. had two kids.
2. was married.
3. was pregnant with Noah.

3 Years Ago, I...
1. I was 22.
2. was in the hospital recovering from childbirth.
3. was really sick of the Spice Girls.

1 Year Ago, I...
1. was 24.
2. had just moved to Ohio.
3. was anxious for Christmas, for the first time in years.

So far this year, I...
1. got engaged and later broke it off.
2. got pregnant.
3. moved 4 times.

Yesterday, I...
1. cleaned the toilet.
2. celebrated my daughter's 3rd birthday.
3. made ham and potatoes in the crockpot.

Today, I...
1. will take my son to the doctor.
2. washed the dishes.
3. ate chicken noodle soup and almost puked.

Tomorrow, I...
1. will sleep in.
2. will clean the toilet.
3. will feel like throwing up.

then x now

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