I can only deal with so much before I burn out
4:44 p.m. x 2003-09-17

I'm back. My kid erased my software for my internet service in the middle of the night. By the time I heard the sound of two keys being hit at once, it was too late.

A few hours later I got a call from my ex that he got an EKG and something wasn't right. So, he was in the hospital and they don't know what went wrong but he's out of there now and still having other complications.. went back to the er yesterday for bloody stools and no, it isn't hemmerhoids. There's too much blood for that. He'll know more about that after Friday.

I've got this whole Murphy's law thing going on and I'm not going to go into everything but you name it is going wrong and I'm ready to crash on the floor from exhaustion mentally.

then x now

x new
x old
x profile
x rings
x about
x disclaimer
x contact
x diva
x host