8:21 p.m. x 2003-01-18

I was inspired to write this after reading Sillers tonight.

My kids are so precious to me. I'm not a big fan of kids overall but I love them anyway from a distance and during short visits when they aren't mine.

As far as mine go, it drives me nuts sometimes to have one begging or another fighting. Still, I love them and I can't imagine where I would be without them.

When I miscarried, it wouldn't have mattered if the child was handicapped and it wouldn't have mattered to what degree. I would have just been happy to have that baby in my arms and to watch him or her grow up and become an adult. Even if it would mean giving up on the first steps perhaps, or the first words, I wouldn't have cared. All I knew was that I wanted my child.

If anyone ever hurt my child or called one of my kids a name, I'd probably have to hit them. I don't allow anyone to disrespect my kids.

Children are little people. They aren't our items and they aren't an extension of ourselves. Children are to be treasured and cuddled and loved and congratulated.

There comes a time when your child won't want to be cuddled because Mom or Dad might embarass them. Even then, pat them on the back and point out the wonderful things they do. Don't look at them and see how bad they screw up.

Our children will run this country someday (and that applies to all countries actually). If we leave them messed around and fucked up because we're too stuck on our own ideas, they won't be anyone worth running the country.

You might have changed their diapers when they were a baby but they can pay someone to change yours and never see you again when you're old. Do you want you kids to disrespect you enough that they drop you off and never come back?

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