chubber legged baby
12:52 p.m. x 2003-01-14

Not much is going on today. I forgot to take my meds last night so I'm kind of watching myself and trying to avoid situations that are gonna make me get high strung. I'm not sure how it works as far as taking missed doses so the easiest thing to do is wait it out til tonight. No big deal. I really don't think one missed dose will hurt that much anyway, but just in case, I'm making today a lazy day.

Tomorrow I go back to my prescribing shrink and get a medicine evaluation and go from there.

I won 3 ebay auctions over the last couple of days. One of them was for a book, another for 2 pillows, and the third was for a kindergarten/first grade home school book. I still have other bids out there but we shall see how that goes. I hope some of them get outbid because I got carried away, but being my luck, they won't.

I wish I had a way to make a video diary because you wouldn't believe how cute Kimberley looks right now! Those little legs are really taking off and she's got chub and I'm just in this mommy thing where all I can do is giggle because she's so cute!

Anyway, I'm calm now and she's chewing on her sister's belt. Gotta go!

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