9:30 p.m. x 2003-01-15

I got a review done by opinionshere and I'm quite happy with it.

I don't have an insightful entry for the day but I did go see my shrink and got my Depakote upped to 3 pills at bedtime, plus I have to go get 3 blood tests done. I'll do that tomorrow.

Here's a useless fact that will get you nowhere in life:

When I used to work at Party City, I had a habit of going next door to eat at Wendy's and that was costly. When I was short on money, I used to buy a candy bar. It started out as Hershey's bars but I found that the snickers slogan "Snickers really satisfies you" is true. Ever since then, I only eat Snickers bars when I'm super hungry and can't get to 'real' food.

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