2:45 p.m. x February 15, 2006

I'm thinking about moving to a new diary. Not that I have any real reason to but this diary mostly chronicles someone who I no longer am. It's not that anything bad happened with anyone to where I feel I need to hide or anything like that. There's no internet drama going on that I am presently a part of. I just feel a need a change. It's like buying a new house when you change and outgrow the old one. I've been in this "house" for 3 1/2 years and I'm not the me I was when I moved in.
On the other hand, if I move, this diary will eventually be forgotten and could potentially be erased by Andrew. Not that I blame him. This site takes up hella bandwidth. Maintaining abandoned diaries costs money that could go for better things.
I want to start fresh but I don't want to forget who I once was and sort of still am. I don't have a reason to walk away from my past or let it be erased. But there's a big gap in there where I've grown a lot.
Maybe I'll just do my best to sum it up and fill in the blanks so I can stay put. I prefer diaryland to other sites because it's what I'm used to. I don't feel right pouring my heart out in livejournal or myspace or whatever. I think my livejournal got closed about 3 years ago from non-use and until last night, my recent entry in myspace said "I'm going to Illinois now. I'll update when I get home." In fact, that became a big joke at work when a friend stumbled on it, because I dropped off the face of the myspace earth after I wrote that.
Who knows. I'm rambling randomly and thinking through my fingers. If I move, I'll let you all know. I have no reason not to.

then x now

x new
x old
x profile
x rings
x about
x disclaimer
x contact
x diva
x host