Layers thingy
10:05 a.m. x October 28, 2004

I'm stealing this from Amy.


* Name: Carla
* Birth date: January 6, 1979
* Birthplace: Rockford, IL
* Current Location: Ohio
* Eye Color: brown
* Hair Color: dark brown from God, red from Miss Clairol
* Height: 5'5"
* Righty or Lefty: lefty
* Zodiac Sign: Capricorn


* Your heritage: Swiss, Irish, English, French, Dutch, Chippewa
* The shoes you wore today: None, yet.
* Your weakness: puppies, kittens, babies, and soft kisses from a guy that smells really good.
* Your fears: lots
* Your perfect pizza: sausage, onion, mushrooms, black olives, extra cheese
* Goal you'd like to achieve: learn to take control of myself in a relationship.


* Your most overused phrase on AIM: brb
* Your first waking thoughts: Where's my phone so I can shut off the alarm?
* Your best physical feature: my butt
* Your most missed memory: kindergarten


* Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
* McDonald's or Burger King: Depends on my mood.
* Single or group dates: single
* Adidas or Nike: Nike
* Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
* Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
* Cappuccino or coffee: cappucino


* Smoke: not lately
* Cuss: yes
* Sing: yes
* Take a shower everyday: a bath
* Do you think you've been in love: Ugh, yes.
* Want to go to college: Someday
* Liked high school: No
* Want to get married: Nope
* Believe in yourself: Rarely
* Get motion sickness: no
* Think you're attractive: No
* Think you're a health freak: haha no
* Get along with your parent(s): My mom
* Like thunderstorms: no, but don't dislike them either.
* Play an instrument: no

LAYER SIX: In the past month...

* Drank alcohol: yes, at the beginning of said month.
* Smoked: no
* Done a drug: yes
* Made Out: yep
* Gone on a date: yes
* Gone to the mall?: yes
* Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: No
* Eaten sushi: ick
* Been on stage: No
* Been dumped: sorta
* Gone skating: no
* Made homemade cookies: no
* Dyed your hair: no but I need to
* Stolen Anything: No


* Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
* If so, was it mixed company: yes
* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:yeah
* Been caught "doing something": yes
* Been called a tease: Yeah
* Gotten beaten up: yes
* Shoplifted: Yeah.
* Changed who you were to fit in: yes.


* Age you hope to be married: already did it at 18 and won't do it again
* Numbers and Names of Children: 3. Brittany, Ronald, and Kimberley.
* Describe your Dream Wedding: One that doesn't happen.
* How do you want to die: happy
* Where you want to go to college: I don't know.
* What do you want to be when you grow up:Rich
* What country would you most like to visit: Australia


* Number of drugs taken illegally: 2
* Number of people I could trust with my life: 1 - me
* Number of CDs that I own:less than 25
* Number of piercings: 2 in each ear, one in my clit.
* Number of tattoos: 2.
* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 3 at the most
* Number of scars on my body: 3
* Number of things in my past that I regret: lots

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