I'm gettin' married! (eventually)
9:30 p.m. x April 29, 2004

Did I write here today? I guess I didn't.

I face a dilemma of wanting to write for myself but not wanting to get too personal in a semi-public journal, but I want to write about it and I don't want you to all be clueless when I mention it in the future.

John and I have discussed marriage. It's not hypothetical but it isn't official either. It's serious discussion but it isn't set in stone either.

I know that with the way things are going, I want to be with him for the rest of my life. I want to be Mrs. H*** and have his babies. We're just not officially engaged so we're still talking about the basic details of the wedding, living arrangements, and so on.

It could be as soon as a year and a half or as far away as four years from now but unless some unforeseen.... something... happens, I know when the proposal is going to happen, and how, and where.

I have to decide when I want to move in with him. If it's going to be before I start college or after I finish. I don't know yet. The difference in that is that it'll either be the summer of 2005, or the spring/summer of 2008.

I do know we're not getting married in anything to do with Disney. The honeymoon might be there but I'm not paying out $20,000+ for a wedding because they'll treat me like Cinderella when I have the party planning skills to do the same basic thing for $5,000.

My family will be content with a park shelter, some balloons, and a sheet cake. They have the ability to be classy but it is a bit out of their element and they're content not to have fancy ballrooms and such. We want to have a small wedding with a dinner afterward and then reception for our families later. I think we're probably going to get married in North Carolina and have a small gathering in Illinois after the honeymoon. It makes the most sense to me, really.

My mom is going to flip. Not about the wedding, or the future husband, but about me living in North Carolina because her "babies" are already far enough away, but that's the breaks. I love my mom but I wouldn't expect my kids to stop everything as adults just to suit what makes me happy. I've given a lot of thought to all of it and I need to give more thought to it before we decide for sure.

His sister is probably not going to like me so I'm not counting on having a sisterly relationship with her. She seems a bit demanding anyway, and he best described her as a born-again Christian slug. (I thought he said slut but either way, it's funny.)

One thing is certain though. As long as everything goes as smoothly as it has been going, I'll be engaged in July.

Just so you all know.

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