nice thought
5:14 p.m. x 2003-03-30

If the wind blows just right and you smell something that's a cross between rotten eggs and fried chicken, I apologize.

Anyway, I'm making a mixed tape off the radio for my car. I just started it though. So far, it has the song Bitch on it. From there, it depends what they play. I have some tapes in my car but I never listen to them. This one might just get used. In my car, I have Pat Benatar, Nightbeat, Barney's Favorites, Lover something that isn't even mine, The Bodyguard Soundtrack, and a few others. I like most of them but I got bored with them years ago.

I just wish I could fast forward the radio itself because I hate this Nora Jones song that just came on. Someone explain how she won all those awards, please?

My mom came over as planned. She came earlier than I thought. Darrell came with and we all ate chicken dinner. That makes the third time in as many days that I ate chicken but oh well. She brought me a kitchen rug, some cups, some bowls, a cereal container, and the plastic equivalent of a cookie jar. It was all really nice and of course I'm thankful. I just wish she didn't bring me dishes sll the time. I have a reason for hardly having any and she knows that. I don't mean to sound like an ingrate. I just don't want more dishes to wash. Having only 4 of everything keeps me doing my dishes everyday. Unless someone wants to buy me a dishwasher? That would be great! Anyway, the bowls and cups are really pretty. They're plastic but I don't mind that. It keeps my kids from breaking them (I think). I can certainly use the cookie jar because Kimberley has a habit of reaching in the pantry now and taking cookies any time I open it. They're hers and she lets me know it if I won't let her have at least 4 at a time. The cereal container will be nice for those bags of cereal because I buy generic most of the time. My kids eat cat food, so why should a brand make a difference in cereal?

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