Personality assessment
1:44 p.m. x March 02, 2004

It seems to be the cool thing to do and I don't have anything to update about....

1. Emotional age? Somewhere between 18 and 35

2. Hairdo you wish you could pull off? I'm completely happy with my hair being the way it is.

3. First word? Mama

4. First written word? I don't remember

5. Famous person people say you look like? Nobody, but my daughter looks like Ramona Quimby, so maybe I look like the grown up version.

6. Eat your vegetables? sure do

7. God, or a god concept? god concept

8. Most lengthy phase you ever went through: My slut phase 1993-1996

9. If you�re a boy, do you like baking? If you�re a girl, do you like grilling? I'm a girl and I like both.

10. Language(s) you�d most like to speak: Spanish, French, and Brittish English

11. Favorite names for people: That can go two ways - I call people 'hon' or 'sweetie' a lot. As for real names, like if I had another kid, I'd say Emma or Christian (I just like the name, doesn't mean I am one.)

12. Death row last meal:pork chops, brussels sprouts, fried potatoes the way my dad made them, chocolate cake with buttercream frosting and vanilla ice cream to dip the frosting in, and a very large amaretto stone sour

13. Birthplace: Rockford, IL

14. Do you have an accent? Not to myself, but I grew up in the midwest so if I do, that'd be it.

15. To-MAY-to or To-MAH-to? To MAY to

16. Most exotic thing you�ve ever eaten: rabbit

17. Superheroes or the supervillains? Neither

18. Marriage is� like a lottery. There's a slim chance you'll win, but you won't know if you don't play.

19. Love is� Knowing you can fart freely without blushing.

20. Down pillows or plush pillows? Plush

21. Bush. Love him or hate him? hate, hate, hate!

22. Favorite color? burgundy

23. Favorite flavor of ice cream? strawberry or french vanilla

24. Dream job: pediatric nurse in a doctor's office

25. Elvis or the Beatles? Beatles

26. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

27. Bad speller? Sometimes

28. Friday night. You�re tired enough to stay in for the night, but not too tired to go out. Which one do you choose? go out long enough to rent a movie, then go home and watch it on the couch under a cozy blanket

29. Favorite cuisine: Italian, Southern, Chinese

30. Show you miss the most: Golden Girls... I know it's still on but the kids hog the tv.

31. Were you popular in high school? Yes, see #8.

32. What do you like in your brownies, nothing, nuts, or weed? nothing

33. Do you like to read? sure do!

34. How many relationships have you had? I lost count

35. How old were you when you had your first kiss? 14

36. How old were you when you first partied? 14

37. Favorite season? It's a tie between Spring and Autumn

38. Marshmallows: burn em, or toast em? toast 'em

39. Do you enjoy dressing up? Once in a while. I'm partial to jeans.

40. Do you mind getting dirty? Nope!

41. What did you think you were gonna be when you grew up? lawyer

42. Number of mortal enemies: one, I guess.

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