My day off work
5:59 p.m. x March 10, 2006

This internet stuff is getting boring. I've surfed and surfed and don't know what else to surf for.
My mom had a low blood sugar attack when she got to work this morning and blacked out, backed into a co-worker's car, and ended up being taken to the ER by ambulance. They gave her glucose and food and let her go. I picked her up and kept her with me all day, til 3 when she had to go get her check. Then I took her to get her check and took her home. She's fine now, but I think she learned her lesson. She made a mistake with her insulin and didn't eat breakfast and it made her sugar drop to 30, and by the time they fought with it for a couple hours to get it stabilized, it had hit 20 at one point. She was probably nearly in a coma.
I read the latest episode of The Diary of V and was a little disappointed. I waited a week to read it and it was short and sweet, to say the least. Maybe next week will be better.
The sun came out so the weather finally warmed up. I don't know if it'll stay that way but it'd be nice. It was sunny and pretty and the air smelled so nice. Sure beats the fog and rain and cold that we had yesterday.
I didn't work today so the paycheck will suck but my mom needed me so that's okay, I guess. I work tomorrow and I really don't feel like it. If it's this nice tomorrow, I won't want to sit in a big room full of computers and talk to idiots on the phone, but I have to anyway.
I guess that's all I have to say. I think I'll come up with another topic to randomly read about through google and kill some more time. There's nothing on tv, to speak of, and nobody online to chat with.

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