getting to know gemini-tiger
11:37 a.m. x 2003-07-25

Thanks for the survey, Tiger. Hope you've learned something. hehe

Who are you and what are you doing here? I'm Carla and it's my diary. I can be here if I want to

1.) What is your favorite animal? cat

a.) Three reasons why this is your favorite animal -

1.) they're cute

2.) they're funny

3.) they're low maintenance

(i know it's hard already isn't it?) no

2.) What is your SECOND favorite animal? dog

a.) Three reasons why this is your SECOND favorite animal -

1.) they're cute

2.) they're friendly

3.) they're loyal

3.) If you HAD to watch two animals FUCK (or you just enjoy watching animals FUCK) which animals would you prefer to watch? don't enjoy it but I guess I'd say a little dog giving it to a big dog

4.) Would you FUCK that animal yourself? no

5.) So it's OK to watch them, just not FUCK them? you said I had to watch

(without changing your above answers for 3, 4, and 5:)

6.) Do you consider humans to be an animal? not in the same sense

(ahem...moving on...)

7.) You are walking down a road, and you happen upon a huge wall that extends to eternity in both direction - there are no doors, it's about 1000 feet high...hell there's no way around it, up it, down it, or through it. What do you do? turn around and go the way I came from

8.) While stopping and trying to figure out how to get past this wall, did you masturbate? no

9.) You are stranded on a desert, scratch that - you are stranded on a tropical paradise (i'm so sick of the desert island - apparently, the government wants you to believe that there is nothing but desert islands out there - and it's just not true!) ok, so you're on this TROPICAL PARADISE - you have all the food you could ever want and more than enough to drink as well as good shelter. PICK (3) things you would take with you to this islans oasis:

1.) a native to have my way with

2.) a radio that has fresh batteries

3.) a change of clothes

(express yourself, baby!)

10.) If you had a song to be your themesong, what would it be? the bitch is back

a.) why this song? because it makes people laugh when you tell them that's your theme song

b.) does it have anything to do with who sings it? (yea, I hate Brittany Spears too, but I'd still hit it.)nah, Elton John isn't my type

11.) What Cartoon character do you best relate to? Jessica Rabbit

a.) Three reasons why:

1.)she's a flake

2.)she's misunderstood

3.)I couldn't think of anyone else

12.) Which Disney CARTOON Character would you have sex with? Belle from Beauty and the Beast

a.) Would it be dirty sex?yes

b.) Would you respect them in the morning?yes

c.) So what's stopping you from humping that characters leg next time you visit DisneyLand?jail... the funny farm...

d.) Would it be bother you if while humping that characters leg, the person inside the costume was the same gender?Belle only wears a dress, not a real costume. Wouldn't bother me.

13.) Apple, Peach, or Plum?apple

14.) Tomato, cucumber, or Okra?cucumber

15.) 4, 6, or 8?4

16.) Which would you prefer:

a.) choking on a large piece of glass, or

b.) eating and digesting small pieces of glass in your food over a one year period?


16.) For the sum of $500,000 would chop off your left pinky (without the chance of using the money to re-attach) with a meat cleaver?no

a.) do you consider that discreating the temple of God?no

b.) would you do it for $100,000?no

c.) what would you do with the money?I wouldn't get any money because I'm too chicken to chop off my finger

17.) Taking into account, your answer for number 16 - what's stopping you from being a prostitute (male or female)? (let's face it, you're willing to physically chop off a piece of your body with no chance of getting it back - but you have morals about accepting money for sex?)I wouldn't chop off my finger and I wouldn't be a prostitute either. Both are too dangerous for me

18.) Have you ever accepted money for sex?no

a.) was it from one of the Disney characters????haha no

(let's get it on!)okay

19.) You have no choice: you have to get buttfucked by a 10-inch steel dildo. Of these people, who would you want to administer the abuse?

a.) Brittany Spears

b.) Kylie Minogue

c.) Jay Leno

d.) Woody the Woodpecker

20.) Do you believe that we learn from pain?depends on the pain

21.) With 11 being said, would you volunteer to have 6 weeks of chemo for absolutely no reason, other than learning from that pain?no

22.) I wouldn't do it either.good

23.) If you had to catch a deadly disease/illness, which of the following would you choose?

a.) bubonic plague

b.) ebola

c.) ricin poisoning

d.) pancreatic cancer


24.) what sexual position best describes you?

a.) doggie style

c.) missionary

d.) lotus in springtime

e.) dead body

f.) bucking bronco

you forgot B but I'll say D

25.) Have you ever had an orgasm?yes

a.) describe it with only 5 words.Fuck, oh my god, wow

26.) Would you fuck the person who sent you this?yes

a.) why?because I would

27.) Have you fucked the person who sent this to you?no

a.) why?too far away, never offered seriously (that I know of), lots of reasons

28.) What song would you fuck this person to?ride my pony

29.) What's with all the fucking?!?!you started it

30.) It's fucking over! Did you learn anything?yes, I learned not to read the questions before I start answering them.

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