scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
4:36 p.m. x 2003-04-03

Hi. Go sign my guestbook please. I wanna feel loved. Thank you.

Anyway, to further explain my entry, Brittany was laying there watching TV and rubbing her hand on my boob which was making me uncomfortable so I asked her to stop and when she didn't, I had to repeat it. I think that child's hearing is going. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm truly worried. She can't seem to hear anything the first time, even when she's right in front of me. Anyway, so I repeated it and she told me I don't have tits. Well, the reason, to her anyway, is that women have boobs and little girls have tits. Don't know. Its kid logic.

Today has been a bit boring I guess. I did my dishes, cleaned the living room, and emptied the litter box. I'm so tired lately that even that was an accomplishment. I took a bath at like 1 (and no, not cause I was horny. Just cause I didn't feel like taking a shower.) and it is now 4:40 and there's still water in the tub. I guess what has to be done is that they have to cut down the tree in my front yard and dig up the whole sewer. This also includes digging up my front yard. Joy. Too bad these things can't be done in the winter when the kids are trapped inside. Then again, knowing this landlord, it could take a few years. By then they'll be married and living in who-know's-what-state and it won't matter anymore. I'll just have to take my walker out the side door for a while. Hey, I already have the Buick LeSabre and the saggy boobs. I could be good at being old.

The kids are watching A River Runs Through It. They probably shouldn't be but it beats watching Goonies again. Besides, its one of the few movies Brad Pitt actually looks good in so that's okay. Too bad he has to get killed at the end. The other brother already looks like he got pistol whipped so he woulda been better for the role. I'd still date him though. haha

Speaking of, things are going well with Joe. He came over for a while last night while the older kids were at church and we hung out. No sex or anything like that. We just talked and cuddled a little. I talked to him this morning while he was on his way to work. He had a lunch meeting so he wasn't gonna be able to call me then. I think its cute but its still new so he has to still prove himself.

Anyway, that's my lil update. Now go sign my book please?

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