I wanna take a shower!
10:09 a.m. x 2003-03-21

Are there any plumbers reading my diary? If there are, I need your help. I want a shower so bad. Okay, I need a shower so bad. I sweated all night last night because Ronald turned the heat up to 90 and now I can't wash it off.

I forgot to drain Ronald's bathwater last night so I went to do it this morning so I could shower. I waited and waited and waited and it wouldn't move so I figured screw it. I'll add some hot water to what's there and just let my ankles sit in the water. I can wash those again later.

Well, you see, my faucet only goes one way. Its warm. Not hot. Not cold. Just warm (and frankly, not warm enough for my tastes).So instead of running piss warm water there, I run it into a vase and dump the water into the tub for the kids. That's what I was gonna do for this. Well, I filled up the vase the first time and it was still cool water, so I dumped it out and it started backing up into the bathtub, but there's black shit coming too. I did this about 10 times, trying to knock it loose. it just sent more and more black stuff (I assume iron deposits) into the tub, instead of draining.

I just now went back in. Its been a half hour. The water is about half-way drained out of the tub, so I did the vase thing a few more times and its not sending as much black stuff into the tub but its still doing it.

First of all, why is it going into my tub and not out into the sewer? Second of all, can I use drano to get rid of that rust or will it just eat my pipes? Is it even rust? I'm sure body dirt accumulates after a time. I refuse to stick my hands in it because I don't know what it is. I tried to stab at it with a coat hanger but I didn't get very far. Its complicated when you refuse to get too close and you're not wearing the glasses you need to see it.

All I want is a shower!

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