the spam strikes again and I don't have any bread thawed.
3:51 p.m. x 2003-12-09

I love that new commercial for msn 8 with the butterfly pulling the lever and dropping spammers into a pit on the woman's front porch.

The sad thing is, with the exception of the baklavah (sp) one, I think I've had 50,000 copies of every one that comes up on the porch in the last 2 years.

I got one today that was titled "Show her you're a real man wink wink"

Show who? And how? Should I glue a dildo on me and walk around scratching my butt? Should I hold one nostril while I blow my nasal spew all over the ground? Should I sit in a recliner with a can of beer watching wrestling?

Nah, I think maybe I should go fishing all day in a smelly boat with 5 other lardass men and slap the catch on the counter for someone else to clean and cook, then snore the night away after a draining night of watching the NFL in said recliner with said beer.

I don't know if that would work either. I could just be really dumb and pretend someone didn't tell me something when in actuality, I wasn't listening. Hmm..

Just how does a woman go around showing other women how she's a real man?

If you tell me, I can save a lot of money on pills to make my penis bigger and I won't even have to buy viagra, at a discount, online.

I still have to chuckle at the one that was offering a website with images of Britney Spears giving blow jobs.. I accidentally opened it and in the list of other people that got it, there was one with the email address of [email protected]. I wonder how he reacted to that!

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