Something to think about
6:39 p.m. x March 12, 2004

If you or I were an accessory to murder to 555 Government employees, we would at minimum, get a twenty year sentence in a federal prison. That comes up to at least 11,100 years in prison. Add roughly 30 years for election tampering and fraud to that, all with the motive to gain a major interest in a money-making natural resource. Our gooses would be cooked, and we'd never see the light of day again. We'd be lucky to get to go out into the yard for good behavior, and we certainly wouldn't be in minimum security prison.

But apparently, "punishment" for this varies if you're the president of the United States. You're entitled to free room and board just like you would be in prison, but instead of a 5x5 jail cell, you get the run of the white house for no more than eight years, while earning $400,000 a year. Then you'll spend your life protected by Secret Service Agents, receiving a pension of well over $6.6 million dollars in your lifetime.

And who says you can't get away with murder?

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