The trees look like trees today, instead of sex objects.
10:40 a.m. x 2003-07-17

Kimberley insists on having something to drink. That's fine except that she wants it in a paper cup that has a gaping hole in the side and I'm obviously not gonna give in.

Work went okay last night. Nothing exciting or worth updating about, I guess. I would have rather stayed home but I don't want to get into that habit either, so I endured it.

Ron walked in last night and guess what was in a bag in his hand? Hamburgers. Oh my God they stunk! It wasn't that they were bad or anything. It was just the smell of beef. Yuck! I know he didn't want to eat up food that was meant for the kids but I'd sooner he do that than stink up my house with beef. My throat gets watery and my stomach turns just thinking about it. My mom doesn't know I went vegetarian so I hope she doesn't cook me up a big pot roast for supper next week or something. Hopefully we'll go out to eat. Then I have more control over my food. I'm going to pack sandwiches for the drive out there, get donuts and other stuff that I don't have to cook for breakfast, then try to do the same for lunch and go out to eat for dinner. That way I can avoid fast food and it'll work just fine. It isn't that I'm hiding not eating meat from my mom, but she'd cook it anyway and expect me to eat it. I know because she made beef stew a few years ago when I wasn't eating beef, and when I didn't eat it, she almost cried. She should just come here. Yeah, that'd be easier. Unfortunately, she is taking her vacation this week and going to my aunt's so she's gotta work. I know it almost isn't worth my time to go back for a visit when she has to work but I miss my mommy so I don't care.

Anyway, enough about that.

In closing, I'd like to say:

People need to learn to flush the damn toilet.

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