Kimberley Robin H. is turning 2!
11:00 p.m. x 2003-11-10

I was going to wait to post this tomorrow but I changed my mind.

Two years, one week, and two days ago, this was me. I was exactly 34 weeks pregnant.

On November 10, 2001, my water broke. I wasn't due for a little over a month but she was coming anyway. I went to the hospital after we dropped off the other kids with Ron's mom or sister (I don't remember anymore) and my mom met us there.

I walked through the hospital to try to get my labor going and the contractions were going fine until I got to three centimeters. Then they stopped and eventually I got Pitocin. (I believe it was about 5 am.)

I remember sitting on the toilet for a while and laboring there because the potty position felt good on my back. I laid on my side. I sat up, laid down, got on my hands and knees on the bed, anything I could think of. I got some Dilaudid but once your contractions get so bad, it only takes the edge off and keeps it from feeling like they're so close together, especially when you bring augmenting/inducing someone with drugs. Still, I was tired. I was throwing up from too many drugs. My mom kept falling asleep and Ron kept running outside to smoke so I felt like I was laboring and puking my guts out all alone and I was pissed off. I wanted the attention.

Anyway, when I was almost ready to push, I kept asking for more and more drugs, thinking it would be like my labor with Ronald and I'd have one huge, long contraction. I wasn't thinking that I went through the Pit hell with no drugs with him, but who thinks when they're in labor?

So, after pushing for about ten minutes, my baby girl was born at 7:59 am on November 11, 2001. She weighed 4 pounds 12 ounces and was 18 inches long.

This is her first ever photo. This is extremely graphic, even if it is blurry. If you can't stomach birth photos, don't look.

This is shortly after. Again, this is graphic even if its blurry. Not to mention, I couldn't see my crotch to shave it.

This is her shortly after birth. You can tell by my huge stomach that it was before I passed 2 cranberry sauce sized blood clots and hemmorhaged all over. Look how teent tiny she was. She was in NICU and the nurses thought she was a giant compared to the other babies.

This was taken when she was two days old. Isn't she just adorable?! And look at the dark hair that fell out and grew in blonde.

She was able to come home when she was five days old and the doctors credited it to me feeding her pumped breastmilk every 3 hours. I was the only one she would take 35 cc's for. She knew how to make her mommy feel good even then.

So now, she's turning two. My baby technically isn't a baby anymore. In a way I'm sad but she does something everyday, several times a day in fact, that makes me so proud that she's here. For the past two days, every time I look at her, I cry. Not because I'm ashamed or sad, but because I know how blessed I am to have her in my life.

Happy birthday my sweet baby girl!

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