6:07 p.m. x 2003-09-21

All layout creating plans are off for a while, just because I know I won't be able to concentrate on them.

I woke up with a sore spot on my ribs, like a bruise, but just tender to the touch, and now my ribs feel bruised like I got beat up, although I know I didn't. I think the baby has dug her elbows in too much and made the orignal bruise worse but it hurts so bad I almost puked and I'm having a hard time eating. (I thought I was done with elbows in the ribs when she was born but the joke was on me.)

I did eat what was on my plate but I didn't put much on it, knowing I couldn't eat anything more anyway.

This really sucks. It seems like everything goes wrong at once and now something silly is restricting me to be here scatterbrained and unable to do anything productive, online or offline.

then x now

x new
x old
x profile
x rings
x about
x disclaimer
x contact
x diva
x host