Who's yo Daddy!?
1:07 p.m. x April 14, 2004

I watched the Jesus movie last night, or tried to. I did see the part where Jesus is on the ground praying or something, and this woman, I assume some form of Satan, says "Who is your father?" So I yelled out "Who's yo daddy!"

Then a few minutes later I fell asleep. I'm sorry to those of you who saw the movie and cried and had big life changes but I didn't. It was boring and it made my eyes heavy. I wasn't moved. I can now give the bootleg dvd back to Ronda and go on about my life.

I'm becoming even more convinced that Christianity is the biggest cult there ever was, and Jesus was a megalomaniac.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and I don't expect any of you to share my beliefs, but as always, leave me alone about mine. And those would be that it's all a load of horseshit.

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