You can win a chance to name Carla's yahoo account!
9:01 p.m. x May 04, 2004

I've been bombarded with spam the past two or three days in my yahoo account and I'm considering getting a different id.

I'm going to hold a contest because I can't come up with anything on my own. I don't want anything cheesy, or too sexual. I use the id in parenting groups and online support groups.

So, sign my guestbook or leave me a note with your suggestions. I'll narrow it down to three choices, and draw them out of a hat.

The third place winner will win:

An honorary mention in my diary, as well as being linked and given free advertising.

The second place winner will win:

Honoaray mention in my diary, with a link and free advertising, all in bold font!

The first place winner will receive:

A very special thank you in my diary, with a link and free advertising, the right to say they named my yahoo account, and I may even throw in an e-card thanking them.

The contest will end at midnight EST on May 5, 2004 and winners will be announced the following day in a special diary entry.

Oh okay, so I'm really stuck and I need suggestions. Forgive my dorkiness. Just please help me find a new username. Thanks!

then x now

x new
x old
x profile
x rings
x about
x disclaimer
x contact
x diva
x host