7:03 p.m. x February 22, 2004

I know something most of you don't but I'm not telling til she does because it's not my news to tell.

Anyway, after having a really awesome night last night (and into the early morning), I went to bed with a minor headache. It didn't take long to develop into a migraine that kept me up all night long. I slept for like 15 minutes before 7 o'clock. I slept fitfully after that til 11 because the kids were up and I had to keep an eye on them. There's some details missing in there but I have to wait. (see first paragraph)

I'm alright now but I'm exhausted. It's taking everything I have to think of the words it's taking to write this. I know, though, that as soon as the kids go to bed, I'll be wide awake and raring to go til 5 a.m. again. As convenient as that can be for me at times, it's getting ridiculous to be wide awake all night long.

Not to mention, it probably has something to do with the headache. Or maybe that's caused from sledding down the stairs on my back yesterday!

Did I mention I'm a klutz? Oh, yeah I did.

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