silly kids, condoms are for moms
6:07 p.m. x 2003-04-06

Joe finally showed up at like 8:30 last night, then we played around online together for about an hour and a half.

We went to bed and one thing led to another and next thing I know, I'm digging in the drawer for a condom. I found them alright, but my children had opened them and they were useless. I am kinda glad in a way because it stopped us, mostly from laughing at the luck we had, but what a way to put a damper on it.

So, we went to sleep, got up around 7 (thanks to the time change), and my mom brought Brittany home at about 10. She brought a computer desk with her so the three of us worked on it together for probably an hour and a half. I think my mom really likes him.

Anyway, after that was all done and my mom left, we went to Jamie's (For those you don't know, that's his sister) and dropped off the kids, went to the mall, then picked them back up and went out to dinner. After dinner, he showed me that he really is human because I got a lecture for something dumb, but when I explained it to him it was all better. Its funny, but that made me feel better about the whole thing. I was afraid he was being someone he wasn't to impress me and it made me hold back a lot. Now its fixed. If he was trying to be someone he isn't, he would have kept his mouth shut and not said anything about it for fear of offending me. Instead, he stood up for what he thought was right and only agreed to it after I strongly argued my case.

He went home for the night and he's supposed to call me tomorrow. The kids just left for church not long ago and Kimberley is taking a nap, so its just me and my lovely computer on its shiny new desk.

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