what enormous fun!
8:17 p.m. x 2003-02-14

At first, tawnyraccoon was annoying me because I was sick and not in the mood for bullshit. She didn't really piss me off, other than the way she talked about my kids. She didn't hurt me. She was just a really itchy mosquito bite.

Since I've written about it in my diary, there have been a heap of responses. Not just in my diary, but in hers too. She's been answering Kim and Jessica but she hasn't been answering me. Guess smart girl ran out of things to say to me.

I didn't start this, and I didn't really ask anyone to go get her. (yes, the fat people thing, but my readers know that was a joke.)

Yet, I have such wonderful friends that come to my rescue. The very first was Tangy. Then came Leslie, who also signed my book with a similar message to the one in hers. Those got erased. Now, on top of all the messages from people in my guestbook that have ran to my defense, Kim and Jessica are tag teaming her. I didn't ask for ANY of it but I am totally digging it.

Like I said, at first it annoyed the crap out of me but all of this is just cracking me up. The more she says, the dumber she sounds. Her one little out of line message has left her the laughing stock of diaryland, and she's still too dumb to stop. I think Kim and I might have reviewed her diary at one time, or she requested one and didn't get it. If she did get a review, I'm going to erase it just to be a pest.

I know I'm being a total bitch but I don't care. I ovulate next week and I have to whore myself out to my bathtub. That makes me cranky. Besides, the kids all have the full force crud right now, and they're doing nothing but sleeping. I'm essentially sitting home alone on Valentine's Day. I need some amusement. Oh, and Tawny, I don't have a life either. I'm damn proud of it because I don't have to have one and I know it.

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