Happy Valentine's Day
1:52 p.m. x 2003-02-14

I hope everyone has a happy valentine's day. My plans have been changed three times and I really have no idea what I'm doing tonight.

Originally, I was going to go to Minnesota, but it didn't work out.

Then I was going to go to Texas Grill, stag, with Tabatha. Ronald's crud came back so I figured I'd just stay home with them and get happy meals and watch movies. Well, now he's worse and Brittany and Kimberley's crud is coming back too and getting worse. If anything, I'll be lucky not to have to sit in a doctor's office at some point today, like I did yesterday for myself.

I have bronchitis and was stranded in bed most of Wesnesday. Its close to pneumonia so I'm glad I went in when I did.

In reference to the last two entries in my diary, I have to share my favorite comment. Jessica said (in reference to the comment about sleeping with fat guys) "As though she fears that if she were to fuck one, she might actually catch the fat." I couldn't help but laugh out loud then and I'm still laughing about it.

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