My obsessions
5:51 p.m. x 2002-12-11

I am scared of vaccuum cleaners. When one turns on, I immediately put my feet up on the chair. If I'm doing it myself, I'm not scared.

When I clean my living room, all of my remotes have to face the same direction and they have to be lined up next to each other. The stereo remote goes on top.

I have one of those wooden mug trees in my kitchen. Only certain cow mugs are allowed on it, and they all have to face the same way. Since one of these mugs broke, I have one mug that goes on it to replace that one. It is hidden way in the back so nobody sees it.

The webcam faces out the window when it isn't in use, because I fear a hacker looking at me when I don't know it. If I see it facing me, I turn it around.

I don't like having my hair randomly played with. My mom and dad got away with it when I was little. Now it has to be someone that I am very, very close to romantically or its like nails on a chalk board.

Speaking of that, nails on a chalkboard don't bother me. Teeth on a fork do.

I hate crunchy food, except chips.

When I eat canned pastas/soups, I use one spoon to clean out the can and a new one to eat with.

I can only eat one tuna melt at a time. A second one nauseates me.

I dip cheese in my tomato soup. It reminds me of school and the government cheese. Now I can't find government cheese, so I use Kraft singles. (If you can hook me up, let me know)

I don't like toast because its crunchy.

When I make a fried egg, I only eat it as a plain egg if the yolk doesn't break. If it does, it becomes an egg sandwich.

I group my knick knacks together at an angle if I have more than one of that type.

I don't like having my toes or fingers cracked. The noise gives me chills.

When I was 11, I had to cut my hair short so I'd quit chewing on it.

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