Patrick, you pooped!
12:12 a.m. x 2003-11-04

I've been slacking horribly online lately. That's good and bad. I don't really need to sit here all day but then if I don't, I'm out of contact with all of my friends. I just don't feel much like sitting here and if I do, its to play a game offline or something.

Take last night, for example. I checked my email and chatted for a little while but then I was going to go to bed. Well before I did, I stood up and saw this computer program called "total 3D home."

I've never been able to figure that thing out before. Its like an architectural (I don't think I spelled that right) program and you make your house or pick from one they already have, then you go through and pick out furnishings and appliances and all that.

Well I certainly figured it out last night. Before I knew it, I looked at the clock and it was 7 am.

Luckily, Ron didn't know if I had to work today or not and assumed I did when I didn't, so when I got the kids off to school, he took Kimberley so I could sleep.

Well I must have been out of it because I was laying there dozing off while Ron was gathering up Kimberley and her stuff, and having one of those dreams where you're dreaming along with the tv or radio or whatever is really going on in the background. Anyway, cartoons were still on. Sponge Bob, to be exact. I was having a dream that Sponge Bob and Patrick were having a farting contest. Well at one point, I woke up and started cracking up laughing. I was laughing so hard I had tears rolling down my face. All because Sponge Bob said "Patrick, you fool!" and I thought he said "Patrick, you pooped!"

I tried and tried to get the words out because Ron was still here and couldn't because I'd go "I thought he... I thought... It sounded like he said... Patri..." and I said it over and over because I was laughing uncontrollably.

He goes "I'm gonna go now. You need to go to bed." and laughed at me for being a twit.

Now, I realize that its funny - maybe worth a little chuckle, but c'mon. I'm in tears from laughing, just from thinking about it, and I know it isn't that funny.

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