A quick entry before bed
10:49 p.m. x 2003-07-10

I talked to my mom and gave her the new phone number. I let the kids talk to her for a while too. They had storms back home and there was this thing. I forgot the name of it but it started with an M. (Jess, are you out there? You were there.) Anyway, at the botanical garden thing, they clocked winds at over 100 mph. (Forgot the name of the place too. Jess? Its on Springcreek right before it turns onto Auburn. Help!) Okay, anyway, it knocked out my mom's power from the 5th to the 7th. Other people have had to wait longer, and some people are still waiting for electricity. Muller Pinehurst was selling ice... all the stores and gas stations and McDonald's and all the places that sell ice ran out. Muller Pinehurst sold their ice for $4 for a tiny bag, and $50 for a small block of dry ice. My mom and Darrell tried to keep their food cold but it didn't work. He works at a nursing home so they took as much as they could to his work (they made sure that nursing homes and hospitals had power for obvious reasons) and saved 4 small boxes of food. They had to throw out 4 garbage bags of food though. Street lights were out on one block and not on the next. They had to call in crews from Texas and Missouri to fix power lines. They have trees uprooted and twisted.. BIG trees. Yet, the national weather service or whatever it is refuses to call it a tornado. My mom went by my uncle's house (as you read earlier, they're in wisconsin) and all the houses around him had severe wind damage and had trees yanked out by the roots. Keep in mind that he lives by that botanical garden thing. Anyway, his house was the only one without any damage. My mom said it looked funny standing there all by itself with trees and still in good shape. Another thing, since a lot of people don't have act of god covered on their insurance, they have to pay for this shit themselves. I had that on my house when I owned one. Its worth the extra $5 a month. Trust me. So anyway, they had one wicked storm.

First of all, I'm glad I'm not there.

Second of all, I'm glad my cousin wasn't there.

Third, I'm glad my mommy is okay.

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