survey thing
1:33 a.m. x June 03, 2004

I stole this from John, because I can do that.

The Norm

Name:: Carla

Nickname:: Mom

Age:: 25

Shoe size:: 9

Height:: 5'5"

Instant Messenger Name:: which one?

Parent's occupations:: mom packages screws and my dad's dead

Mom's Hair color:: brown

Siblings:: one half-brother

Nose Hair:: It doesn't poke out but everyone has some in there somewhere.

Hometown:: Rockford, IL

Extra Cash:: Cash? What's that?

One thing you'd change about:

Your face:: Nothing really, but I'll randomly say my nose.

The world:: world peace and all that junk

Your school/job: I'd work longer, more steady hours.

Your favorite movie:: I'd make Meryl Streep leave and go off with Clint Eastwood.

Your least favorite movie:: I'd make it non-existent

Your best friend:: Wouldn't change a thing.

The colors of the rainbow:: nothing

The internet:: I'd make it safer.

Soup flavors:: Chicken noodle would have more broth flavor, less salt.

Required School subjects:: I'd make kids take parenting, and some sort of daily living math class.

Physical Education classes:: The kids wouldn't be allowed to pick teams for things like baseball

Your toes:: I'd make them shorter

Wood:: I don't know. Make it pink, what the hell.

Nail Polish:: nothing

Lip Gloss:: nothing

Siblings:: I'd get custody of him.

Simon Cowell:: Who?

Glass:: I'd make it non-breakable.

Your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse: I like him the way he is, but I would make him closer.

Something that happened within 72 hours ago:: I would have put more butter on my mashed potatoes.

Day:: nothing

Night:: nothing

Your name:: I'd make it shorter

Your favorite band/singer/musical piece:: nothing

The months of the year:: I'd take out June and make the first half of July have 48 hours per day instead of 24.

Olympics:: nothing

Candles:: nothing

Valentine's Day: I'd make it warmer

Easter Sunday:: I want more chocolate!

Your most hated cartoon:: I'd cancel it.

How often do you:

Go to the gym:: I don't

Exercise:: Does chasing kids count?

Shave:: every few days

Take a shower:: rarely

Take a bath:: daily

Eat fast food:: twice a month

Eat at a restaurant:: twice a month

Visit your relatives:: Once every couple of months

Drink:: Once every 2-3 months

Spell:: constantly

Spill food on yourself:: if you don't count wiping my hands on the back of my pants, then a couple times a week.

Swim:: Once a year, tops.

Buy clothes/shoes:: For myself? about 4 times a year.


Soap:: Ocean Breezes Suave bodywash

Soup:: clam chowder

Shoe brand:: whatever fits

Jelly:: orange marmelade

Peanut butter:: Jiff

Eye color:: brown

Cartoon Character:: Pink Panther

Super Villian:: The coyote from looney tunes

Body of water:: Lake Erie

Music Downloader:: Kazaa Lite

Word:: fuck

Toe:: pinky

Line from "Stacey's Mom":: none of the above

Day of the year:: depends on the year

Hour of the day:: 7 pm

Jolly Rancher:: grape


Fake accent:: I don't know

Day in History:: 1/6/97

Word:: the "n-word"

Clothing line:: all the ones I can't afford

New Rising Star:: Jessica Simpson

Insect:: roach

Magazine:: National Enquirer

News Network:: Fox

Sock:: stinky ones

Instrument:: accordian

Number:: One is the loneliest number that you over knew, oh uhh... yeah.

Holiday:: Polaski Day

Planet:: Pluto

Awards Show:: Viewers Choice Awards I guess but they all suck.

Chicken:: the rotten one I pulled out of my fridge last week

At This Moment:

You're wearing:: just a button-up shirt

The time is:: 1:59 am

You should be:: sleeping

But instead you're:: doing this and eating gardettos

You're lusting after which movie:: none

You crave which song:: Eighth World Wonder

You're drinking:: chocolate milk

You're eating:: gardettos

You're at:: home

The color of your pinky toenail is:: clear

The Last Time You

Played Hangman:: January

Skipped class/school/work:: a few weeks ago

Called someone:: 7:00

Yelled:: 8:00

Swore:: midnight

Watched a G-rated movie:: last night

Wished on a star:: been a while

Went outside:: this afternoon

Said "google":: verbally? not in months.

Used Paint:: Feb or March

Used a pen:: an hour ago

Checked your email:: 45 minutes ago

Shaved:: 11:00

Showered:: Sunday (I only have a tub and I used that whilst shaving)

Chewed gum:: March

Cleaned a room:: just before I took a bath

Cried for no reason:: months ago

Exercised:: does chasing kids count?

Sneezed:: just now

Went to the doctor:: 5/26/04

First word that comes to mind:

Creamy:: you don't want to know

Bill:: money

Kill:: terrier (the one I'm thinking of was named Killer)

Cute:: Kimberley

Hot:: sauce

Shut up:: scream

Band:: saw

Baseball:: bat

Swimming:: wet

Water:: soap

Hair:: shampoo

Toe:: nail

Tall:: tree

Wig:: hair

Republican:: loser

Democrat:: president

Jerry Springer:: dork

TV:: Becky (watching Roseanne right now)

Junk:: drawer

Movies:: porn


Britney or Christina:: neither

Eat out or eat in:: eat in

Crest or Aim:: neither

Pants or shorts:: pants

Pencil or Pen:: pen

Soap or body wash:: body wash

Chicken pocks or measles:: chicken pox

Cold or Flu:: cold

Summer or Winter:: summer

Stomach acid or battery acid:: stomach acid

Cruise Ship or sail boat:: cruise ship

Book or TV:: book

Music or TV:: music

Book or Music:: both

Fruits or Vegetables:: veggies

Carbs or protein:: carbs

Chocolate milk or white milk:: chocolate

Wet or Dry:: wet

Cloudy or Sunny:: sunny

Summer Vacation or Spring Break:: summer vacation

Lewis or Clark:: Lewis

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